Offerings & Services

Individual Dream Accompaniments 

Dream sessions consist of a 60 minute one-on-one accompaniment with Jessica. The sessions begin and end with grounding practices. The dreamer and Jessica work through the dream material together and make meaning of the dreamscape, language, symbols and story together. Usually, “dream homework” emerges from the dream material and dreamers take action on the homework before they schedule another session. Some dreamers request weekly sessions, others work on a monthly basis and some set up sessions twice a year. A few dreamers only require a one time session. Dreaming is NOT capitalistic and enough time/space to integrate dream wisdom between sessions should be allowed and is strongly encouraged. All sessions are currently conducted through the phone, Zoom or FaceTime. 


$0 Stardust:

The Dreamer is working on many planes but capitalism is not one of them. 3 Liberation & Reparation Sessions are set aside for People Of Color (POC), specifically Black and Indigenous folks, each month. Please inquire about reserving one of these no cost sessions. If you would like to propose a barter for Dream Work Jessica is open to exchange!


$0-60- Pollen:

Dreamer has limited monetary resources that they would like to contribute to dream work.


$60-$150 Seeds:

Dreamer has enough to sustain themselves and would like to shift towards all dreamers, specifically Black and Indigenous dreamers, being aligned with their internal navigation systems. A portion of Dream Accompaniment at this tier will go towards funding the 3 Liberation & Reparation Sessions that are set aside for POCs each month.

Collective Dreaming Offerings

Participatory Dreaming Practice 

A Six-Week Intensive Offered Seasonally

Dreams are medicinal. The more we learn about our internal navigation system, the more skilled we become at integrating wisdom from our dreams into our waking life. In other words, the more our left brains and right brains work together = the more WOKE we become. This dream intensive course is for artists / healers / parents / lawyers / activists / bakers / therapists / architects / beekeepers / social workers / techies / butchers / lock pickers / playwrights / humans who are serious about deepening their intuition and building the bridge between their conscious minds (solar consciousness) and their unconscious minds (lunar consciousness). 

The intention of this course is to provide dreamers with tools and practices that will allow them to more consistently catch their dreams, decode / unravel their meaning, and work to manifest them in waking life. 

By the end of the 6-week Dream Intensive the dreamer can expect to: 

  • Have a solid dream catching practice

  • Be able to access multiple interpretation tools and methods

  • Be experienced in transferring dream symbols into the 3D (make mad dream art!)

  • Work with a dream partner on a consistent basis


Interested in sitting in the next cycle of Participatory Dreaming Practice?


$0 Stardust:

The Dreamer is working on many planes but capitalism is not one of them. 3  spots in the Dream Intensive are set aside for People Of Color (POC), specifically Black and Indigenous folks, each session. Please inquire about reserving one of these no cost sessions. If you would like to propose a barter for Dream Work Jessica is open to exchange!


$0-60- Pollen:

Dreamer has limited monetary resources that they would like to contribute to dream work.


$180 - Seeds: 

Dreamer has enough to sustain themselves and would like to shift towards all dreamers, specifically Black and Indigenous dreamers, being aligned with their internal navigation systems. A portion of the total cost will go towards funding the 3 dreams from the Stardust tier who would like to participate in the Intensive.

Dream Workshops

Have a group of folks who want to learn more about:

  • Developing a Dream Practice

  • Why Dreaming is Medicinal 

  • How Dreaming is Political 

  • Communicating with Ancestors Through Dreams

Want to gather a group of your beloveds for a Dream Workshop to enhance your collective dream practice?  Dreamers will meet with Jessica for a one time workshop and a unique opportunity to learn dream catching, deepen interpretation skills, make dream art together and ask questions. Workshops are 2 hours in length and will be conducted online through Zoom or Google Hangouts.


$0 Stardust:

Dreamers are working on many planes but capitalism is not one of them. 3 workshops a year are set aside for groups of People Of Color (POC), specifically Black and Indigenous folks, who are interested in bringing a Dream Workshop to their organization, church or healing space.. Please inquire about reserving one of these no cost workshops.


$0-100- Pollen:

Dreamer has limited monetary resources that they would like to contribute to bring a Dream Workshop to their community.


$100 - 300 Seeds:

Dreamers have enough to sustain themselves and would like to shift towards all dreamers, specifically Black and Indigenous dreamers, being aligned with their internal navigation systems. A portion of the total cost will go towards funding the 3 Dream Workshops from the Stardust tier who would like to bring a Dream Workshop to their community.

Photos by Rakicevic Nenad, Sharon McCutcheon, LilacDragonfly from Pexels.


*Reallocation of Earnings Policy: There is currently a 21% pay gap between white women and black women in the united states. In a personal practice of daily reparations, 25% of all earnings from Dream Accompaniments, Dream Intensives and Dream Workshops will be donated to The Nap Ministry (IG: thenapministry) and Haji Healing Salon (IG: hajihealingsalon).